Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Yay for new things!

So I got a new hair cut and Ben got a new camera (super nice camera)! Put those together and that means that I have a few pictures of the new hair cut!

Here's a nice one!

 here's an artsy one. 

And here's the yummy Cranberry Bliss Blast 
(or something like that) and tea we were munching on

And this one kind of just happened... 

This next one was super funny because Ben came back from the break and was like 

"I have a surprise for you" 

And I'm freakin' out cuz I love surprises.

When I go over to his place he says 

"So, I know you're afraid of whales"

And I said "Yes"

And he said "Well... I found the smallest whale ever and thought you could start with this one and work your way up a little bit every week until you have a full sized whale and you're not afraid of it"

And then gave me this:

We immediately named him Steve
I was able to hold back for a little bit about the fact that he's 
a killer whale because seriously, 
look at him, 
he's the cutest thing I've ever seen. 

So apparently we're working our way up here... 
but secretly I think I'll just stick with Steve!

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