Monday, September 23, 2013

Doing What You Do

It is very true that I need to go to bed but it is also true that I need to write for ten minutes to have it count for my homework. So I'll write about today:

Today was a good day even though it was packed full of stuff. I went to work this morning and had an interesting but good shift at Slate Canyon. Then I went to my other job and tutored a kid in math that I was pretty sure I didn't know how to do, turns out I did! The crazy thing about being a mentor is that you don't specialize in anything so any homework they whip out you need to know how to do. I haven't taken a math class since my calc class during my senior year of high school so... that always makes me nervous. But I was able to help him!

So after an 11 hour work day I wondered why I didn't feel like dying. And then I realized that it's probably because I like what I do. My line of work is cool because I'm just a resource. A lot of the youth that I work with are really lacking resources and I'm happy to be one for them. As a mentor I divide my time as follows:

Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Spiritual

It's from a training I had on a well balanced life and it also spells PIES.

Physical: Do pushups, situps/ crunches and squats with each kid (will hopefully make me super buff)

Intellectual: Help with homework and other academic goals

Emotional: Ask for the worst and best part of their week

Spiritual: bring something funny to life their spirits

So that's why I do what I do and actually like it at the end of the day.

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